never forgotten

We've grown apart and something's wrong;
you won't let us sing our secret song.
Your touch; it's scared and overpowering.
You got everything to make me keep trying.
I miss your lips on mine with pleasure
and I miss your hands on my body with treasure.
Every feeling won't be lost forever
and as well as being seperate to never.
Nothing is as good as being with you
'cause you know we're stuck like glue.
You caress me as I listen to your heart
and I hear it thudding right from the start.
Something is tearing our souls away.
I want to be with you along with your soft rays.
Love is a word you'll never use,
but this is the word I must abuse.
I love you, I love you; please listen clear
because you are the one I want to hold dear.
You might love me; you might not,
but you're in my dreams and my thoughts.
Just listen to me and make my day
and say you've loved me with the love you gave.