im feeling a little insecure

i always say how i dont need you, but its always gunna come right back to this.
please, dont leave me.
i'm always second guessing, underestimating.
if you ever feel like you're nothing, you're fucking perfect to me.

things are changing, it feels strange and i need to figure this out.
you've got your life, and i've got mine, but you're all i care about.
yesterday we were laughing. today im left here asking: where has all the time
gone now?

i just want your fucking voice out of my head.

it seems like everythin’ is happened again
it’s the same old story: people keep on getting in my way
im tryin’ to do this for me.
it’s breaking every little piece of me

and I don’t ever want you to leave

i bury that sound, so no one hears anything anymore.
mirrors lie to me, tell me you can see through me.
sometimes it's burns, baby i'll wash it out. it all looks so big,
nevermind. i dont feel anything. it only hurt a bit.

i still feel like shit.

sometimes i wonder why im still waiting. sometimes im shaking
that's how you make me. sometimes i question why im still here.
sometimes i think im going crazy.

can you help me understand?

falling a thousand feet per second, you still take me by surprise.
i just know this cant be over, i can see it in your eyes.
it's worst to finish than to start all over and let it lie.

as long as i can feel you holding on, i wont fall.