We Are So Blind

We only pay attention to the blonds
To the skinny
To the most beautiful
To the rich
We never pay attention to the gray
To the fat
To the ugly
To the poor
We are so blind, don’t you see?
How come when we’re looking for a date
We go straight to the one who is most good-looking?
How come we never pay any attention to those in need?
Instead we pay attention to the most popular.
Life would be much easier to live with our eyes close.
We judge everyone by their looks.
Looks shouldn’t matter.
It should be our personality that matters.
Today, it seems like that doesn’t matter to anyone.
That’s why they’re so many divorces
So many broken-hearts
So many, “I give up,”
So many deaths
People are blind.
People can’t see what they’re doing when they go straight to the beautiful.
We are so blinded by looks.