The Path

The day is long,
The night is young
Lets have some fun
Before it ends
Life continues
We fall behind
This path is ever winding
As we stumble along
The stars shine brightly
But I still can't see
A mist is brewing
And keeps us company
The path is rocky
I can't see my feet
Tears run down my face
And you are seperated from me
I feel a storm approaching
I can hear the thunder
I can see the lightening
The ground shakes underneath me
My heart beats fast
The hairs on my neck stand up straight
And fear washes over me
I hear your voice all around me
Telling me it will be okay
But as I fall to the ground,
It grumbles beneath me
The fear is so great
I no longer see straight

But when I wake up
I am in your arms
In the bright sun
Roses bloom around us
The scent lifts me up
As I look down the path
It goes on into the distance
But you grab my hand
And hold me close
And walk with me down this path
That shakes fear into my every bone
♠ ♠ ♠
My way of looking at life.
Hope you like it
Comment please if you do, I want to know what you think!