

What do i do?
What can i say?
I don't know what to do.
I'm absolutely Clueless.

Empty, Empty
That's all i see.
Where people see home,
all i see is a blank.

Not used to this place,
Not used to this style.
Things are similar..
But on foreign ground.

What can i do?
When will i finally feel not alone?

Spinning in circles,
finding nothing.
Sometimes i think there is nothing to find.
I feel like giving up..
When i have barely started.

I don't know the extent,
of what i can do in this place.
Even if i did,
I wouldn't be able to use it.
Because i'm absolutely Clueless.

"The possibilities are endless"
"You can do it!",
they say.
I try and try.
But come up with a blank.

When will i get used to this?
When will I stop?
♠ ♠ ♠
Explanation: I came from and my friend told me to join Mibba and Fictionpress... So i did, but i have NOTHING written on my accounts there! I am eventually going to put stuff from there onto here.. but for now, i'm going to start fresh. :)