One out of millions

Some would agree
Some say it's not true
But my mind tells me what to do
I listen on command
And I don't fight it
That only leaves me in tears
I can no long state my thoughts
As they are no longer mine
It eats me from the inside
And leaves me a mess
Why must I obey
Why must it tell me such hatefull things
Why can't I keep the voice away
It tells me to do things to myself
And I go along
But Why
Because I know that voice speaks only the truth
I'm one out of millions
And I'm the worthless of them all
I'm one out of millions
Like a brick in a wall
But I'm weathering away
'You're nothing important'
The voice says
'You're just an ugly cow'
The voice says
I'm one out of millions
Like a piece of grass in a field
'No one knows you're here, Why would they care'
The voice says
I'm one out of millions
Like a flower in a garden
'you're a dead ugly flower'
The voice says
I'm one out of millions
'Not even you're father wants to hold you anymore'
The voice says
I'm one out of millions
And not worth anyones time
Not even my own.