Desert Stars

The light’s too bright
I cannot stay
The dark’s too deep
I’ve lost my way
Broken and beaten
On my own
Nowhere to go
No place is home
I trip and stumble
Then I fall
I don’t have the strength
The strength to crawl
I feel so worthless
So dragged down
These entangling snares
By which I’m bound
Hold tighter and tighter
The more that I strain
Fighting so hard
Against all the pain
But night by night
And day by day
It just goes higher
This price I must pay
Just looking for help
For a friendly hand
Before I get buried
In this scorching sand
I need a soft voice
I need gentle eyes
To keep my head up
To see the skies
The desert stars
They shine so bright
But the cold is deadly
On a desert night
I need a warm heart
To keep me alive
One who will help me
Tell me to strive
For something better
For more than one night
For something warmer
And bathed in light
I keep looking up
At these desert stars
They seem so near
But they’re really so far
A blanket of sand
A whisper of wind
Not just from the outside
Also cold from within
My heart of ice
It needs to melt
So maybe feelings
Can again be felt
I know it’s hard
To break down my walls
My defenses are sturdy
They rise up tall
But if you would bother
If you’d take the time
And not run away
After knowing my crimes
If you could show me a heart
Filled with truth
If you could make me believe
If you had some proof
My walls might crumble
I could break free of my shell
I might escape the torture
Of my own personal hell
But change your thinking
Because the weather is cold
There’s no fire or brimstone
As you’ve been told
I need a fire
Or at least a spark
To give me a chance
A light in the dark
I’ll watch the stars
As I lay in the sand
Just waiting for now
For your hand