Key To My Heart

An actor of great skill
You'd never have known
How I really felt
God, I thought I'd burned and drowned
But you came along
And apparently saw
You pulled me out, made me see
The light I'd thought
Had finally burned out
You magically healed me
Burns suddenly gone
Replaced with skin that's new
You got the water
Out of my lungs
Breathed into me
Life that now involves you
I'm still so shocked
Can't believe it still
I'm wondering what incredible thing I did
That made the universe decide
It would throw me into you
So, so lucky to be here now
Even more blessed to be with you
I truly trust you
Like I do almost no one else
I'm so much stronger now
Because of the strength you give me
You are my savior, and so now
You have the key to my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Originally written December 1, 2010