These I Have Loved

These I Have Loved:

The color of darkness, the perfect black
The rain hitting the window in the middle of the storm
My dog, such soft fur but now lay as ashes in a closet, forgotten
Lonely nights spent thinking of nothing
The sound of silence buzzing in my ear
The sweet music of Green Day,
The loud drums, the intoxicating bass, the authority of guitar,
The singer speaking his mind and me listening to his words,
The combination of them soothes my soul with artificial peace
Moments spent alone in the middle of the day

The thoughts of an empty world
Where there is always war
And the only peace was that of the night
Thoughts of love and what it would really feel like
The feeling of loneliness, pain and suffering
Feeling of despair, misery, and dejection
The thoughts of knowing that you could of changed the outcome
Of something if given the chance
Even the thoughts of that chance that were given to others
But “ran out” when it was your turn

All Of These Have Been My Loves