Pain: Tristan

Private Journal
January fifth
10th grade
Tristan Anthony Stone

So many feelings fill me up, anger resentment, sickness and grief. All for myself, which I allow no one to see. I bottle it, hide it, and store it away. Only to let it fester away, at my heart, at my soul, and at my mind as well. I allow these feelings to rot in me. Filling me with sadness insomnia and fatigue. I was not wanted, not loved,and never adored. I was pushed aside and kicked on the floor. Anger fills me making me bitter, all the ‘has been's and could have been's’ racking my brain like a constant flood of rain. Filling me with hate and tears that stain, I want to trust God has a plan. But was there ever a plan for an accident, for a failure, for the unwanted child that just fills space, and brings his family nothing but pain?
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I wrote this one day when I was feeling very connected to Tristan, weird I know, but all of my characters are a part of me. Different circumstances, but some part of my characters are a part of me.