Finally See Me.

When I cry,
You just stand there and watch me take it,
You don't even offer to be some kind of guy,
a guy who lets me cry into their shirt.

I thought you were my boyfriend,
When really i was used,
You wanted some other girl,
And then i became emotionally abused.

Now that she didn't go out with you,
You come back to me,
And start more arguments and problems for me to work through.
Why can't you just move on and let me be?

My heart keeps getting ripped out,
When I try to stay away from you,
There are lies about me that come from your mouth.
These rumors, make me want to sue.

I understand that you are childish,
And you haven't grown up and realized,
That girls aren't some dinner dish,
And not everybody is going to take your side.

Is it wrong for me to want a real relationship?
Because you make me feel like i don't deserve one,
Should i be able to feel the stitches in my heart rip?
And then it falls like the sun.

You told me i was amazing,
And then you would turn around and hurt me,
At the times that I am dazing,
Yet you think this is your good deed.

I am not going to deal with this,
but yet i do,
It's like a hit and miss,
And now it is time for me to move.

I am no longer a bird in a cage,
i have been set free.
And I am flying while writing this page by page,
Now you will finally see, see who the person that is me.

The girl that loves life,
Who loves to laugh,
The one who doesn't regret anything full of strife. (is that even a word oh well)
And who just moves on past the after mass.

That girl that you will realize you hurt,
That you will never really know,
And that there is a place in your heart where she will always lerk,
You will realize that you never got to love the girl who had loved you so.

Now you will finally see,
That i can't be trapped,
And that you can't hold me,
That you didn't have me figured out like a map.

And that you will finally see,
That this girl,
Is Me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know what this was about, i guess it's because i am tired of people judging people before they get to know them and then hurting perfectly good girls and then the girls hurt themselves even more.