We were once here

I was here

These streets were once filled with people -

My people

We weren't all one race or one class but

We were all the same

We knew the pain that most could not endure

We knew this world in it's most cruelest form

I was here

I walked here

I slept here

I lived here

I wasn't always happy but nobody really is

I am not ashamed for this was once my home

I was here

I do not wish to give up yet I feel that I must

To bring forth a new beginning yet -

I fear

I fear that our laughter will slowly fade

That our tears will soon go to waste and

That we will all be forgotten but -

I was here


Listen to my silent resistance

My desire to leave sometihing behind

A proof that I was alive

Prove to me

That we were never a burden to our dear city

Prove to me

That these crusted walls, these worn out streets and these torn down floors

meant more to you as it did to me

Don't deny me -

Don't demolish me -

I was here'

This is what I had once called home

This will always be a part of me and I will always be a part of this

Like the sun in the sky

These once crowded paths, these once creaking halls, and these once coarse laughter

we all shared

Will remain in my heart

You were here

But you were blinded to its very essence of its sour smell

It's rusty rails and its peeling paint

You couldn't see the happiness -

The wisdom that filled our ambitions to dream

These capturing scenes of joyful sorrows

Helped us want to achieve

And yet - this will be another chapter lost in history

But remember

We were here
♠ ♠ ♠
A poem about the destruction of the last building of Cabrini Green, Chicago.