I Miss You Mommy.

I kneel down beside my mother’s grave,
I’m only allowed out if I behave,
“Hey mom it’s been a while,
It’s been so long since I’ve seen you smile,
It has been six years today,
I wish I could say that I was okay,
It has been so long since I’ve seen your face,
Or since I’ve heard you say grace,
I wish I could say dad is doing great,
But I can’t, he is filled with bitterness and hate,
I think he just misses you,
I know I sure as hell do,
He is starting to drink a lot more,
Yesterday I found him passed out on the floor,
Why did that guy have to drive impaired?
Mommy I am so scared,
Of being in this world all alone,
Being here all on my own,
Is daddy going to leave me too?
Is that what he is going to do?
I wish that you were still here,
Just so I could feel you near,
Is it fun up there in heaven?
The place you went when I was only seven,
I didn’t know then but I was scared,
My heart was unprepared,
For it to be just me and dad,
It made me really sad,
To know you are there forever,
You are coming back never,
That guy was in no condition to drive,
Why is he still alive?
He was the one who was high,
Why did we have to say goodbye?
I know it will be a while until we see each other,
So just know this my mother,
I would do anything for just one hug,
I will never do a single drug,
After seeing what they did to you,
And feeling the pain too,
This is last but certainly not least,
Even though you are deceased,
I still really love you,
And I know dad does too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know what I think of it yet, lol.