Bottle It Up

Well apparently feelings are full of nothing
But I really want to look forward to something
How so when I'm bottled up like this
Oh no not again

I thought we were supposed to exchange words
But you got tired of what you heard
Look I'm sorry I got so cruel
What do I do?

Life is confusing or is it too sane
Why can't the optimism go through my brain
Why do I feel like staring at the walls
Do I know nothing or ever at all

So just to please you I'll shut the hell up
No more complaining for me because you apparently had enough
Well that's fine and I'll always be here to listen to your problems
No matter how tired of it I am

I love it yes I do when life is so cruel
The letters boxed me up into a little ball
Now this person is always bottled up
And she can't get enough

When depressing shit always happens
She's sitting there with the painted over face
Sad hasn't even left a trace
So she just bottles it up

Then the anger and sadness turns to hate
Then everyone is scared of her because it's too late
No one listened so now she's screaming at everybody
Fighting it all out

She should be good at this she knows
But she holds the grudges and never lets go
Then the anger starts building up
Before you know it she's back where she started

She thought she came so far
But there weren't any shooting stars
So she curls into a little ball
And bottles it up after all
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh, just a random idea popped into my head. Enjoy :3