Happiness is Just a Dream

You have a bed;
I have a steal park chair.
You have a pillow;
I have an old rucksack.

You have a loving family;
I have the lonely chill in the Autumn.
You have friends;
I have the shadows of the world.

You have a tv in your room;
I'm lucky just to have a blanket.
You say you're mobile is out of date;
I haven't seen a phone in 15 years.

You claim that your parents annoy you;
My parents are long gone.
You say that you don't have anything;
Compared to me, you look like a God.

You've run out of red lipstick;
My lips permanently red from biting them.
You don't have the latest clothes;
I have to wear rags and torn bits of cloth.

To you, happiness can be found on a bookshelf;
To me, happiness is just a dream.
♠ ♠ ♠
My second poem. Enjoy xp