
Walking down the hollow halls.
The doors to each room are creaking with anger.
Rooms full of dust and smoke, lingering for help.
The lights flicker here and there, others scintillating for protection.
Letters on the cold walls spell words but mean nothing.
Which way is the way out?

Time goes by so slow here; time to figure things out.
Dark empty spaces consume where there were once halls.
What inhabits this place? No one, nothing.
Here, joyous feelings are replaced with fear and anger.
Blood and bruises—no protection.
Cannot find it here, go somewhere else for help.

Massive chains hug the door’s handles, allowing no outside help.
Shaking the doors uncontrollably, still no way out.
Where is everyone when you need protection?
Run until the end is reached, but they are eternal halls.
Streaming tears flow down my cheeks, hot with anger.
Silence is no more; noises are heard, but the sounds are nothing.

Enter the empty room where desks are occupied by nothing.
They were once here looking for what I need—help.
On the desks are carved words of anger.
It is their only way to release their emotions out.
A dark figure runs through the halls.
Wondering the building for some protection.

Here dark figure, you will not find protection.
Back into the eerie hall where there is still nothing.
My steps are slower, walking on the filthy floors of the halls.
Just give up now, there is no help.
No help means there is no way out.
Hide in fear or lash out in anger?

Take it out, release all the anger.
Continue to look; be my own protection.
It is here; somewhere is the way out.
Everywhere I turn, I only find one thing—nothing.
Cry for out loud, a hand appears—my needed help.
Take me away, guide me down the halls.

Finally, out of there; no more help.
Nothing to worry about; released my anger.
I am my own protection in those hollow halls.
♠ ♠ ♠
Writing a Sestina is hard.