Treat me the same

Treat me the same
or treat me as i am?
dont treat me like i`m crazy
or like your embrassed of me
your do the same things i do just in the pivateness
of your own home

cause god help you if you were to stand out they would rip you apart
come on girl, do you really want friends like that?
who will mock you cause your different then they are
when honestly there all insane
and when the populars do what i do treat them the same way too
dont join in and laugh jut because you so despretly want to be them

so are you gana tell me i`m wroung ha ha ha yeah your full of shit you know that
your so pridictable
u can say i`m wroung all you want but
you know deep inside i`m right.

Treat me the same
or treat me as i am?
that is the question
would you care to answer?