Night Sky

Night Sky

With rivers soaking her face,
She looks up to the dark night sky,
Asking Him “why me?”
No one answered.
She continues to aimlessly follow the path.
Trying to get away from where she came from.
Her shirt getting drenched with wetness.
She’s shivering,
She’s weak,
She just wishes she can go back in time,
Change the way the evening went.
Now she’s alone in her hectic world.
Rivers still running down her face,
Anger boiling in the pit of her stomach.
Her hair stuck to her head,
Her skin covered in goose bumps,
Her mind somewhere else.
Thunder booms over head,
As the sky darkens.
Lightning crackles in the distance.
As she lays down in the rain,
Her last conscious thought
Was of the only reason the drove her out,
Out into the rain,
Out of her own house,
Her own family.