Output on Life

Output on Life

Her laughter filling the room.
Music surrounding her.
A best friend saying her roof is like a pea.
A close friend chatting about boys.
A friend not talking.
An enemy talking crap about her.
Damn regret all over again.
She thinks of a boy she barely knows.
His brown eyes,
His deathly pale skin,
His sweet smile,
The look he gave her earlier.
Then about the boy she thinks is in love with her.
His blue eyes,
His pale rosy skin,
His sexy smile,
His lovable joking attitude,
The look her never gave her.
She stares out the window,
In suspense that her Guardian Angel will help her stand,
And never let her fall.
Afraid of being rejected,
She lets her Guardian Angel go,
And wishes she has someone to turn to,
Someone who will stand by her.
Someone who’s not afraid of her,
Of her brown hair,
Her blue eyes,
Her plain smile,
Her dull personality,
Of her life,
Of anything at all.