The Day When I Was Young

I remember the day
When I was young,
When television was just a twinkle in my eye.
I remember the world back then, how different it is to now,
But most of all the laughter and the never ending games,
The sunshine warming my back, the friendship warming my heart.
I recall the never-ending blue sky,
So vibrant and cobalt blue that you could almost drown in it
If you looked at it from the wrong way around.
Clouds so pure and white like freshly-cut lilies,
Like cotton-candy of the highest level, but always unreachable to us mere children.
Summer breeze mingling with the loving scent of blossom,
Chasing one another in fields of lavender, swimming in untouched lakes.
Just feeling like this sense of freedom was never going to end.

But that was decades ago.
Nobody cares for the memories of an old woman,
Just about how much goes into their bank accounts at the end of the month.
It’s all politics and economy now;
Even the teenagers seem to know much more than I.
But who cares?
Half a century on and they’ve taken away our fields,
They’ve ripped apart our lakes, paved over our dreams as if they themselves were unreal,
Extracted the sunshine from everyone’s lives like some scientific experiment,
Our blue sky washed over with dull grey.
Now it’s just another town in another county,
Uniformly monotone like the rest.
But who cares?
For I have my memories, the one thing that will never change,
The eternal childish happiness rooted deep within the cavern of my heart;
For I will always remember
The day when I was young.