Forest of Shadows

The stale air stingy and cold.
A lifeless atmosphere covered in mold.
Hearing nothing but the silence of night.
Her skin begins crawling with a deep fear, deep fright.
She quickly glances around,
and she hears a quiet sound.
The Crinkle of leaves?
Branches breaking off trees?
Is she alone?
Was she Fallowed by someone unknown?
“No.” She tells herself.
“It's only me, the sky, myself.”
Hearing another sound,
She begins to panic and pace around.
The night quietly crawling in.
The air seems to become faint and thin.
This forest its like a prison,
The sun far gone, hidden beneath the horizon.
She continues to wander think and ponder.
Again and again the sounds are heard.
Closer and closer!
She begins to run without a word.
Swiftly she turns to look back.
And she sees a shadow bold with black.
Hiding behind a large tree.
She turns to see what the shadow might be.
Staring into the black of night.
All she sees a small din light.
The curiosity takes control.
Sooner of later it will take its toll.
Approaching the dim light she finds,
something of which her mind cant combine.
Blood? In the woods? Whats this?
The bells, the voices what are those?
She begins to feel trapped and walled in by trees.
Paralyzed with fear.
She begins to hear.
The wicked laughs that fill the air.
She turns to face a shadow tall as a bear.
Then everything goes black....
just black....