Crowded Loneliness

Even while I am part,
Of a large crowd,
I feel disconnected,
From them all,
I have yet to find any two individuals,
Who I have a bond with,

Yet I am in the middle of this crowd,
Disconnected but in,
I do have one person I have,
A certain bond with,
And I completely love this person,
She’s the one person I can trust with anything,
I completely love this person,
Though to her i am another face lost in the crowed,
And the loneliness stings,
As the coldness of the crowed seeps through.

I find my self back into my lonely crowd
The crowd in which i am accustomed to,
Were the coldness of the heart,
Reaches the coldness of my soul,
Where i am nothing but another face,
All i have,
Is Crowded Loneliness.