Just for Kenny

I met someone back in the fall
He's pretty amazing
He's cool
He's you.
Kenny Andrew Kemp.

Definition of mackenzie: a very stupid blonde friend, who screwed up, and doesnt want to lose being friends with you, also i'm SO sorry.

My strawberry blonde husband.
I'm SO sorry, for what I said.
I didnt know it would make you that mad, so
even if you decide to hate me, I just want you to know
I love you, and we were really good friends!

I remember:
when I started calling you panda
when we got married on facebook
when you and carter sat in the back looking at the guiness book of world records, and called me back to look at something gross.
when you said that thing by my locker "I love you. No really I love you. I wanna ...."?
when you FREAKED out because you thought you'd get in trouble
when you made fun of my harvard t-shirt
when we made the characters up: Shannon-smurf. Mackenzie-tinkerbell. Carter-Shaggy. Kenny-Panda/poohbear
when we said ms.ralph was a hardcore cell phone nazzi
when you wrote me a note on neon pink paper, I kept that by the way.
when I wrote you back.
when I made you that lyric paper of the song "Forget you" by ceelo
when I always forgot to make you the paper for the song "I just want to run" , yea I remembered that.
when you told me your initials were K.K.K.
when you told me carters initials were A.S.S.
when you always put your sttuff and trash in carters locker
when you butterflied carters locker
when you, me, shannon and carter talked about mono for half a class period
when we come in every mornign and crowd shannons desk
when you married shannon.
when i drew pictures of tinkerbell & smurfette on the back of my agenda?
& I drew you one too by the way
when we drew ALL OVER your formative with little stick figure cartoons.
when we signed marrige/divorce papers in your agenda.

Remember how were really good friends?!
& friends forgive each other?!
Remember how I love you more than a million red m&m's?
Remember how I just wrote you a bunch of reasons to not hate me?
Remember how were really good friends?
Anyways I guess this is it....
moment of truth.
love, Mackenzie- blonde tinkerbell<3

please rememmber everything I said....please forgive me?
I love you, kiddo.