Everlasting game

Why must we keep up the everlasting game?
Of lie after lie
Just to wipe the slate clean?
Apology after apology
but you dont mean a thing.

Losing each other, is impossible
but keeping each other just the same
we both feed off the edginess of every fight
both wondering if the outcome will change
hoping we didnt screw it up permanently this time

Mutually afraid of admitting
we've got feelings for each other
so we push them down
just to argue and bitch like little kids
& scream I love you if we go too far

the kind of love hate relationship where
you never want to hurt them
but you always do
& you can say i'm sorry
as many times as you like
but it never means I'm sorry

I can see the fire in your blood
as your face turns red
and your voice gets loud
I know i've gone too far
I know I just fucked up
but to admit it?

If I shall ever say the words out loud
I would be shocked...
I love you?
not the best friend way but
I love you.

You your soul,
even if you make me want to die
at times?
Even if we fight like brother and sister?
Maybe because we are that close?

Personalities clashing
Words fighting like swords
but crying over the littlest wound?

Why must we keep up the everlasting game?
Of lie after lie
Just to wipe the slate clean?
Apology after apology
but you dont mean a thing.