Winter (without Winter)

The air was crisp around me. My eye were red from the invisible whips that stung them. The colourless day hurt my eyes as the sun reflected and glared off the ground. My coat was pulled tightly around me as I started my walk to school. The clothes I wore protected me from the weather I walked through. My image wasn't a pretty, but I didn't care just then.

The trees looked sickly, without their many leaves. Weak arms reaching for the sky. As I looked a cloud back making my hurt eyes turn away. I shivered softly as I walked trying to hold off the weather this season was bringing. As I breathed the air in front of me swirled with soft mist. My teeth chattered as I felt another gust whip my unprotected face again.

I wrapped my arms around me to help myself warm. As I entered the train the gust of the heat that welcomed me was invited. I stepped inside wanting it to last forever, instead of having to end with me stepping out into the terror of this season's weather.
Ok. I wrote this for English, but it is so hard to accually type mainly because I was not allowed to use certain words. We had a mind map of winter on the board and we couldn't use any of the words or derivatives of the words. The single words in each one were also not allowed.

Here are the words.

Gas bills, bare, hot chocolate, snow flakes, snow men, frosty, scarf, hibernation, white, ugly, uniforms, ugg boots, ice, heater, windy, isolated, freezing, lonely, June, July (please note I live in the southern hemisphere), cold, Santa, snow, marshmallows, Christmas, yellow snow, rainy, skiing, grey, uncomfortable tights, hypothermia, Winter

It was annoying. But the end result was good.