I cant wait to give it away.

We just want our lives to be perfect
When we see someone who’s eyes sparkle with love
Envy grows in the pit of our stomachs

When I see you smile my stomach turns
When I hear your laugh echo through my brain, without a reason, I miss those days more than anything.

Going back isn’t easy after you already turned a cold shoulder to your past.
But I’ll try.

I can’t keep promising that one day I’ll see you again
And one day I won’t miss you.
But I’ll try.

This isn’t as easy as it looks
I don’t show pain like I should
I should wear my heart on my sleeve but
It’s tucked under my ribs

Where it should be
Guarded from the world
And my wicked ways.

But maybe it wasn’t you that broke my heart
Maybe it was me

I broke my own heart.