I Have No Right -improved-

I daited her,
I thought i loved her.
Hell i did,
But i just didn't know what was good for me.
I was treated badly, every day, still sticking around.
Blamed for things that weren't my fault.
Cheated on.
All this, and i still stayed.
Then she finely broke up with me.
Of all the things she said,
All the things she did.
Only one thing stayed.
Got attached to my brain some how.
And still haunts me to day.
Every thing i did to her,
When i was sad cause of her,
Mad at her.
When ever i tried to touch her.
There was one thing she said to all of that.
"You have no right"
When she said that,
It made me feel low,
Like i didn't deserve a thing.
It attached to me.
And stayed,
Over welcoming its visit.
Mooching off the things i do,
The things i say.
Now, when i say something,
"You have no right"
What ever i do,
"You have no right"
Maybe its the way she said it,
So cold,
Anger rising in her voice.
What ever it was,it's stuck.
I wanna be upset,
But i have one fright,
That i have no right.