My Sweetest Dream; My Loved Ones Worst Nightmare

I dream about dying.
Everyone is always lying.
I smile, you think its genuine.
But inside I'm really dying.

When I'm holding the razor to my wrist,
begging and pledding for the strength to press hard enough,
are you thinking about me?
Are you wondering if I'm bleeding?

I'm putting this act on for you.
To make sure you're happy.
But today I'm infrorming you I am done pretending.
I have finished trying.

I'm hoping and preying,
the today is my last.
It's all I want.
It's all my 11:11 wishes.

I swallowed 72 advil at two this morning,
google told me it would kill me.
My grandma woke up at six to go to work.
She found my note.

The blue and red lights..
"Young lady? Can you hear me?"
That is where I always wake up</3