

So very angry
Face all scrunched up and red
His whole body is tense
Spittle forms
In the corners of his mouth
Eyebrows so drawn
They meet in the middle
His eye glare out
from slits

No one wants to be near him
They’re afraid

If he can lift it
He’ll throw it
Doesn’t care who he hurts
Yesterday a child went home with a bloodied face
Today one of the staff

There is no control
No empathy
Never a gentle hand
Just harsh words
“fuck off, kill ya.
Cut your throat
You die”
Lashes out with
Teeth, Feet, hands

Makes you wonder
What his future will hold
He’s only four years old...
♠ ♠ ♠
In my job I have seen this time and time again, its so sad, for the child, for those they hurt and for society. there is NO substitute for love and time spent with a child and all children need boundaries and support as well as unconditional love.