Behind These Walls

It’s like livin’ in a hall of mirror.

Trapped by the reflection of what others want you to be.
What your expected to be.

Look at her; she has blonde hair and blue eyes.
She wears Abercrombie

She’s a prep.
She’s a bitch.

Oh, she’s a freak
She where’s black, never speak.

Blue hair; are you serious?
That bitch has gotta’ be delirious.

Never right, constantly wrong.
It’s always the same damn song.

Trapped in a society that’s prone to conformity.
They live in a life that’s not even close to reality.

They say go with the flow, but damn that currents’ ruff.
But you’re told to suck it up; that you have to be tough.

Never show your true feelings.
Don’t be yourself.

Black and white.
Right and wrong.

Like I said, it’s always the same damn song.

You finally stand up, only to get shoved back down.
They look at you; “Stay the fuck on the ground.”

Black and white.
Right and Wrong.

It’s always the same damn song.