Does two years mean nothing?

After letting you have all of me,
my heart and soul
my entire being.
How can you be so cruel?
I gave you my entirety and you ripped me apart,
while I smiled so wide and took all the pain.
You asked for my hand and I let you hold it,
like my cold heart in your warm fingers.
But then after being too far for too long,
you forget my name and my likeness.
Does two years mean nothing to you?
Have we fallen so far we abandon each other?
You told me to stay and I did.
Never shyed from your embrace.
I never felt you let me go,
till I was falling down with no wings.
You said you'd die for me, and yet
you can just leave me like this?
When I was wrapped up so tight in your embrace
I never suspected a thing.
Till now, and I guess they were right.
We can't break the rules,
not fooling the system
only killing ourselves with no reason.