You Won't Have Her

People said things,
And called you names.
You said you liked her,
Then threw her in the dirt?
Is there something wrong with your head?,
I swear you must be brain dead!
Said she was cute,
Come on really dude!
Told her she was amazing,
We all know now you were lying.
She wants you back I dont see how,
Must be something special about you now.
Said she was yours forever,
Now I don't think I'll ever let you have her!
Why did she want you you always asked,
She said because perfect is what you lacked.
Gave her a nickname that was special to her,
But I'm sitting here thinking yeah okay sure.
She said she was sorry for something she shouldn't have,
But it seems you still won't take her back!
She really liked you,
And she thought you liked her too.
If what people say matters so much,
You'll always be without her touch.
You lost out just to let you know,
She's perfect and lets it show.
She gave you her mind,
Her secrets she'd let no one find.
Don't know how someone's words could make you let her go,
The thoughts in your mind I'll never know.
You don't know what you lost,
And now you'll have to pay the cost.
She liked you so very much,
Could've loved you but you're too tough.
Just to say you lost her completly,
Becuase you won't have her back 'cause you'll have to go through me.