To You; From Me

You are more than a person to me; not someone I want, but someone I need. You're more than just my best friend who I'll love until the end, because I love you more than that, you'll never comprehend. You're not just any girl, but the girl that completes my whole world. You're the most beautiful one but sometimes you make me wish was holding a gun. You cut me off for a while, no contact at all. No answered texts, always ignoring my calls. What did I ever do besides love you and pull you through? I thought you loved me too. Mixed messages, baby you're confusing me. Which one is the truth, which do you want to be? My lover, my friend or nothing to me because you play each of those roles creating many new holes inside of me. I remember how one day, you told me you'd talk to me at ten. Well I waited up for you until you just broke your promise again. How do you do this and have a clear conscious too? Am I really that horrible of a person for this to happen to? I'd never even think about hurting you. What ever happened to us and everything we had? What made us being together so bad? Just love me please, I'm down on my knees. When will this pain finally go away? Will it ever and how long will it take? I hope you one day realize what you put me through and how often I caught you in your lies. Just know that I'm here for you, though you aren't there for me, when will you wake up, look around, and see? I don't know, I wish I did. I think you're a bitch yet I love you all the same. It's tearing me apart and driving me insane! Ugh FUCK you. But I love you, I wish you loved me too.