Nights Like These

You drown your problems in alcohol
You leave me to care for your daughter
Until you come home to stumble and fall
All over yourselves, then yell at each other
While I cry myself to sleep

What does booze do for you? What good does it do?
Provides a temporary escape, that's all
Provides permanent scars for me but you have no clue
I get so tired of watching you crawl
Around your troubles instead of facing them head on

It's always the same, I always know your destination
Why do you always tell me those blatant lies? It's getting old
You drive away to get wasted with no hesitation
Your hearts are warm on occasion but your drinks are cold
You're upset when I ask where you are but it's hard to avoid when you're gone for hours longer than you promise

All of this is precisely why I can't wait to get away,
Over 100 miles from your irresponsibility
Take good care of her, my sister, that's all I can say
Maybe one day you'll realize the frivolity of what you do
It's just that nights like these make me wish I'd made the decision to leave a lot sooner.