A Heartbreak Story

It really happened,
I never wanted this day to come,
I don’t want to leave you,
But I know it’s what I have to do.

I can’t stay hurt like this.
And keep playing these games,
Over and over again,
You know how I feel,
And yet you still don’t care.

I can truthfully claim I’ve never felt this way before,
For another like I have with you,
You are my first love,
There is no doubt,
And I know that this heart of mine,
Will take time to heal,
Because this wound is deep,

We’ve been through so much,
And I wouldn’t want to have gone through it with anyone else but you,
You're the first person that i could see what I wanted,
Actually able to be attained,
And everything seemed so clear.

I could see us being married,
And three miniature versions of us running around,
But I have to let this go,
Because we both know you aren’t willing,
You aren’t willing to get on this ride with me.

We’re just spinning in circles,
Going no where,
And confusing ourselves,
And hurting ourselves more and more.

My heart is shattered,
And I don’t want to let you go,
But I can’t wait here for you,
And hurt myself like this anymore,
And just let you walk in and out of my door,
Not caring about me like you should,
Just coming and going as you please.

So here’s goodbye,
As hard as this is,
But if you want me in your life,
You find a way to put me in there,
Because I can’t try to fit me in yours,
And make you care,
And want something you clearly don’t,
I can't wait any longer,
I will always love you.