Now I See

Now, through the anger
coming in a sudden flurry.
My thoughts are hazed,
yet focused on this one thought.
And now I see why I love
the person I have loved
for so long.

The anger,
coming to me in flurry.
Never before, you have given me.
The betrayal,
some have gave to me.
Never before, you have given me.
The sadness,
some try to make me feel.
Never before, you have given me.
The loneliness,
some have abandoned me to.
Never before, you have given me.

Come anger:
countered by happiness
given to me, by you.
Come betrayal:
countered by comfort,
given to me, by you.
Come sadness:
countered by hope
given to me, by you.
Come loneliness:
countered by the company
given to me, by you.