Carbon Copy

I am her carbon copy.
From the passion of reading anything that makes me feel any less human. To my accustomly unaccepted wardrobe that is constantly changing whenever I feel an itch to be noticed. From the captivation of art that has really never been enough, to the music that screams out for indifference at the upmost level.
Although who could allow me to forget the one thing that enables me to follow you so easily? I am carrying out this solo act of which I speak, I do so every day; yet until this very moment, I had momentarily forgotten how naturally the words flow when I choose to allow their escape. I cannot quite fathom how entirely morbid it must feel to be locked up for so long, desiring only to be released, yet captured once more, and forever blended and intertwined through the pen with the page in which their fate is eternally sealed.
I truly believe it is this, and this only, in which I may possibly, with self-mastery and determination, prove myself worthy of many the comparisons between you and I, my dearly cherished. After all, you always did shine brighter than the brightest; you always outshone me. Always Me. Always. Me.
My clever wit imprints upon many, filling me with the slightest hope that I may one day live and breathe within the light, no longer shackled to your overbearing shadow with in which my drowning is constant. But no, reality grips me at the very peak of my high, dragging me down, forcing me to stare into the eyes of obvious truth. After all, it is your shadow on the opposite, northern end of my chains; your perfections devouring my mere accomplishments.
Though Love, do not for one scarce second allow your thoughts to wrap themselves around the assumption that I am not honored to trail in your wake. No, I have always accepted my position, with only occasional haunting thoughts of deliverance. I would never run from this, Darling, no not from my fate. I could not posses myself to do so, nor live with myself if I did. Where would I turn to; who would I seek? You, and you alone, have molded me in your image. And I, I am your carbon copy.
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Opinions please!!