Rachel's Messed Up Poem

Today is not the day for Rachel’s typing ways.
She cannot get the words out on the page.
She smiles very bright
And which to her delight is very strange
Because her typing is not right.

Her story is now unfolding
It’s coming along just fine.
This poem is strange, I’m knowing
But I’m not the smartest of writers you see.
I hope you are enjoying
My latest recipe.

How else should I describe her
Other than subscribe to her.
Her story is great
And to that I’m not late in telling you
That it’s wonderful.
This sucks as a rhyme but I’m out of time.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't write this but my friend said that I could post it. She doesn't want her name out there so she came up with the name weirdchick793. Hope you guys like it:) Let me know what you think