The Show Has Been Canceled.!!

No audience beyond this point, it's only you and me.
Last call for fitting- tie the noose tight around your neck.
Black birds swarm; bathing in what's left of us.
There is a state line dividing what DNA never could.
I can't be recognized in your mirror.
The airwaves are occupied, so don't call.
Waste your money on the most expensive dresses,
So I can long to see you drenched in tar.
You played the angel all too long.
I've seen the graceful wings become torn
In being ripped from your spine.
I cry black and grays because,
You've sucked away my whites, my whites.
You say it keeps you young; it keeps you pretty.
I know your darkest secret; You are broken.
You taught me everything I never want to me, and less.
Carefully psychotic. Youthful hag. Dysfunctional baby.
I can't help what I am, but I aim to displease you.
This is a letter, saying things to break your porcelain face.
The blood does stain your hands.
You'll feel a sense of relief as it hypnotizes you,
Running down the drain.
Only to turn and find it looming under your manicure once more.
I do not need you to be me.
Metamorphosis has overcome this stage;
My clever wit no longer serves a purpose in being deceiving.
I can't stand your eyes- They're not my own.
I am sorry to report that the show has been canceled.
Go home and cry as they tear out your humiliated heart.