My brother

We used to be best friends
Always trusting each other
Sticking up for one another
And keeping secrets
We used to play around
And act crazy
We were so little
I'd give anything
To go back to those days
When everything seemed so perfect
When we didn't care
How much trouble we got in
Or How much we made
When mom and dad
Were always wrong
Now it seems, that you're changing
And leaving me behind
You not here that much
You've moved out
I don't see you
It seems I'm always mad at you
For something that you did
Or maybe I just don't like your girlfriend
I never really did
Either way we're yelling at each other
And you want to hit me
I can see it in your eyes when you get angry
I'm not your friend anymore
I'm just your little sister
I don't know anything
And you always side with our parents
You make promises
That you don't keep
You tell me you grew up
And it's time I do the same
And stop living in the past
But what if I like the past?
What if I like being a kid
What if I don't want to grow up
Like you supposedly did?
I know that tomorrow
You'll say your sorry
For yelling at me
I'll say it's ok
And we'll hug
But inside I'm a mess
I want my brother back
The one that told me he'll never leave
Who laughed at the stupidest stuff
Who told me everything will be ok
The one who protected me
And stuck up for me even if I was wrong
I dont' want this new older brother
I want my old brother, my best friend
The one that knew my life
Inside and out
I know he's still inside somewhere
Waiting to be found
So I'll be here waiting
Until I see you again.
♠ ♠ ♠
To my brother. Love ya C.