Not Made Of Stone.

Depressed and annoyed
for no reason at all?
Whats wrong with me?
I feel dead... numb
Cant you fix me?
Heal my heart,
stitch up my wounds.
Hold me close and
whisper a tune
of a sad song
my heart cries aloud
talk to me dear,
help me fix me.
dont tear me apart
I want to use
the cold blade of the razor
to cut open my heart
one cut
maybe two
is all I wanna do
But I cant do
such thing
because of what
I promised to him - Brad
no cuts
No scrapes
No SI at all
It's hard though
please understand
I'm about to fall
onto the ground
my hands and knees
I need you all to understand
I'm begging you please
I'll hide my feelings
with a mask
its stuck on my face
impossible to unmask
I'll shoot a gun
into the air
to get your attention
wont you dare
to look me in the eyes
and become supprised
by what you've seen?
You'll see the unseen
I'll shed a tear
Because now its known:
I may rock
But I'm not made of stone.