I will Be Ok

I would hear your laugh,
And come running.
You would sleep.
I would think of,
just how much you ment
to me.

You were,
and always will be,
My role Model.
I always thought you would live forever.
You were the strongest person I ever met.
Stronger then my dad.
My Brother.
Even my mom.
And all my cousins put together.

And now I have never felt so useless.
So powerless.
Sitting in the hospitle room,
Holding your hand.
Whispering I love you.,
Now I can't do much to help you.
Except watch you fade.

I used to imagion what life would be with out you.
Would the family traditions go on?
Would our family grow apart?
Thats the last thing you want.
Thats the last thing I want.

The more I think of it.
The less i can imagion living with out you.
I just think of the endless nights that are yet to come.
Of crying.
And hopeing splitting the stuff between family,
wont start a fight.

All I can do is sit.
And lison to the beep of the michens that are keeping you alive.
And hold your hand.
You can't see me.
Or hold my hand.
But I know you can hear me.
Everyone says you can't.
I say you can.

So please.
If you need to go.
Go back to Grampa.
And your brothers.
I will be ok.

You don't need to worry about me.
I will be ok.
And so will you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Miss ya already Nana! (Gradma)