I just love.

I just love how
I take crying as a sign
of weakness,
but when others do it
of course it's okay.

I just love how
if I cry, I feel let down
as if I have
failed, but its ok,
because I'm immune to it.

And when I feel
I have failed, I'm not
as upset as expected.
But, whatever, guess I'm
just bipolar. yeah.

And I just love how,
on the outside I'm all smiley,
but on the inside
there is secrets,
waiting to be told.

I just love how
no one even notices the act
and this girl who hides
just feels so lost
and no one cares to help.

I just love how
we are all different and no one
seems to care just one bit
yet when it comes to
friendship we are all

I just love how
whenever one gets stuck, and
is lost, there is no one to help.
But when they claim to have a
spouse, everyone is excited.

I just love how,
no one really cares unless it's
gossip or its about themselves.
No one cares how you are.
Unless it's drama, no one cares.
No one cares. No one really.

And I just love how
one person stops being dramatic,
and suddenly they are
friendless and searching for a way
out, yet no one helps them. simply
because of lack of drama.

The thing I love most?
When people act like they care when really
they'd rather be somewhere else
with someone else, an they pretend
to listen and care

When actually they really hate your guts
so when you thought you
could actually trust them, they bailed,
and now YOU'RE left on your own.
Searching for YOUR light.

So moral I guess is, be careful who you trust,
because bitches and assholes exist
and they don't care.
about you at all.
So beware. hey.

At least it's better to have thought they were real
friends and then get hurt later,
because you can cherish all the times you had
even though they were fake and lies.
At least you have something to remember.

If you never friend, and never trust,
You feel nothing,
And what is that?
I'd rather feel hurt and depressed.
Rather than nothing and most of all