Wish you were mine.

You’re a sweet little boy
A good friend to know
But as the days go by
These feelings start to grow

You’re a spitting image of perfect
Sent down from above
You’re characteristics hypnotize me
Some may call this love

Although you are cocky
Insecure and confused
Know that I am right here
Hoping you will never get bruised

You make me laugh
Over the strangest things
I see you in school
And wait for your greetings

You don’t make me nervous
I still find that weird
You’re easy to talk to
And you’re never unclear

Although you’re a senior
I still have my fantasies
We act the same age
Still act like kiddies

I hope one day you realize
You don’t need to put on an act
Just be yourself
I will love you for that

Although we are just friends
I hope that will never do
You are perfect for me
And I am perfect for you
♠ ♠ ♠
About a boy...