Heart Discord

'The yellow school bus pulls up in front of white fences. White tennis shoes step down onto the pavement. The violin case clasped against her school uniform, a small golden trophy in her hand as she walks up the short drive past the blue car to home.
A few steps from the door she hears familiar raised voices. The smile on her lips fade as she freezes in place, behind her the bus pulls away.
She tiptoes past the dining room where the argument continues. Halfway up the stairs she stops to look back. Her face is expressionless as she kneels down to place the trophy on the stairs.
White tennis shoes continue up and past her room. Her school backpack drops on the floor beside the attic door. Up another flight of stairs to the window which opens out onto the roof.
The open violin case bumps and sides down the roof into the daffodils below the dining room window. Perched beside the chimney she raises the violin and her gaze towards the distance. Replaying the song that had filled her with joy an hour ago at the competition.'

. : Heart Discord ::~

Break the hollow filling you,
empty dreams can bare no pain.
Play yourself a happy tune,
just to cover up your shame.
Music with no ear to touch
fades away within your soul.
Why does their praise mean so much,
when they're the reason your not whole.

Glaring sun reflects your anger,
as fingers caress and play.
Wishing them no more than strangers,
erasing all the hate they say.
A piece of triumph fills with doubt
as salt trails cool your cheeks.
How many disappointments will you count
before your music becomes to weak.

Play the discord that you breath,
every morning and every night.
Pray for the day you can leave
and leave their discord far from sight.

How can you bloom when crushed
by those who should help you grow?
Why do you always feel so pushed
when they don't notice what you show?
Another trophy lights your heart
just to be drained by their neglect.
Why do you fail before you start
when each accomplishment you regret?

Let this music fill your wings
so you don't fall before you shine.
Until the day they learn to cling
to what they always left behind.

Play the discord that you breath
every morning and every night.
Pray for the day you can leave
and leave their discord far from sight.

[by SheaRyhai © 2010]