Sweet Misery

Sweet sweet misery
Coursing through my veins
Filling my every nerve
Slowly numbing me into sleep

Sweet poison
Oh so sweet on my lips
The lies linger there
They're my latest addiction

Sew my eyes shut
I no longer have anything to see
The images that fill my sight
Bring me to my final plight

I close my ears tight
I can't stand the voices anymore
The sounds are more than I can bear
Please please you need not share

Sweet sweet misery
Flowing smoothly in my bones
Chills run pleasantly over my skin
Muscles clenching up

Sweet sweet misery
The pain is addicting
Let it stay
It's better than being so numb

Sweet misery
I wonder what would happen
Were you a person
What would you feel like?

Muscles relax to nothing
The chills stop
The aches cease
I am numb again

Sweet sweet misery