lingering on confusion

my main emotion right now.
"why?" you may ask.
okay then.

is what i have to deal with every waking moment.
on basic topics like school, to the more complex ones like love.

its all thats going through my head right now.
what's going to happen to me in the future?
will i be ok?
will i achieve my dreams?

will i ever be good enough for that one person?
the one who's meant to be searching for me without even realising it yet.
will he accept me or wont he?
will he be like everyone else?

do they or don't they?
weighing up pros and cons doesn't always help a scattered mind.
sometimes lingering in confusion my help,
but sometimes it may break you.

i never used to be like this.
i was always the kind of kid to act before i think.
i think when love and confusion are linked,
a dangerous bond forms
that not only can break your head,
but your heart and soul .

but sometimes i like lingering on it.
confusion brings everything to the surface,
helps me bring out anger and frustration
but also love and passion.

yeah i think i'll linger a little longer :)
♠ ♠ ♠
so i was bored and one of my best friends gave me a topic and told me to write about it. guess what the topic was? haha