Why Won't You Just Stop?

They won't stop talking about how I don't eat.
They won't just leave me alone.
I don't eat in front of them so I must never eat.
I eat when I'm hungry,
Not when they try to force food down my throat.
I don't care what they say.
They aren't trying to help.
I f they wanted to help they would TALK to me.
Not go behind my back and tell the counselors that I need "help".
They won't stop yelling at me.
They won't shut their ignorant mouths.
They need to get it through their thick skulls that it's my body,
NOT theirs!
So what if you can see my hand bones and veins,
Almost everyone can see theirs.
It's no big deal.
It doesn't make me a freak.
It makes you an idiot for trying to get rid of me.