The pond

I’m fed up of this pond; this small shallow life doesn’t represent what i want.

If a pond is what I wanted, I’d find comfort with my growth.

But now I’ve found my balance, I’ll swear by my future oath.

I want to leave this mucky pond and challenge the rougher waters.

I want to swim upstream and fight the current, Cross all the boarders.

I’ll make myself streamlined enough to ease through all the issues

I’ll gain a moral high ground over life and exceed all the virtues.

As a fish i was weak, as a fish I lacked technique, unable to grow week by week.

But now the tides are changing and the pond is now flooding.

I can take my chance now, or keep on suffering.

Escape to the sea and your problems will be set free.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote this at college during a boring Psychology lesson