See what time makes of me

Going through these poems.
Reading one each night.

They’re picking at my heart.
And what use to be.

Memories of others then just you and me.

Words so powerful.
But now so meaningless.

Said so many times.
When time is all that’s left.

Time for me to think.
Time to figure out.

Figure out what is out there for me.

What will time do with me?.
Will I be some nobody?.
A leaf in the wind.

Or will I stand tall.
Like a tree.

Should I just swim like a fish in the sea?.
And drift where the current takes me.

No, I won’t!.
I’ll make my own path!.
My own destiny.

I will make you see what I can be.
I’ll rise to the top until the world is done with me.

I won’t get knocked down.
I won’t turn around.
I will never back down.

I won’t wait to see what the world makes of me.
I will make myself and be who I want to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is my school homework :p